Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Step 1:

Open a new Flash file.

Step 2:

Select ‘Text Tool’ from the Tools Panel and from the Properties Panel at the bottom, select ‘Static Text’ for the text type. Then, type down “TEXT AND GRAPHICS”.

Step 3:

Repeat Step 2 for making the questions and its multiple answers.

Step 4:

Draw a circle using the ‘Oval Tool’.

Step 5:

Convert the circle into symbol by selecting Modify>Convert to Symbol and name it ‘button’.

Step 6:

Copy the circle ‘button’ for all of the multiple choice answers.

Step 7:

Create a dynamic text for the response if the selection answer is correct or wrong.

Step 8:

Write multiple choice answers of A, B, C and D inside the circle ‘button’.

Step 9:

Then, select the circle ‘button’ of the correct answer (here the correct answer is A) and add actionscript (look the figure below) to it so that when the user click the button, it will appear the response as well. 

Step 10:

For the wrong answer selection, click the button (here B, C and D) and add actionscript as below:

Step 11:

Lastly, before we publish this file, test it 1st by selecting Control>Test Movie.

If the answer is right:

If the answer is wrong:


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